Dancing in the Unknown
It’s these quiet battles where we build resilience within ourselves that really get me.
Challenges that you can’t articulate enough for someone to truly understand what you’re going through.
Moments that require reflection, quietness, and deep listening within the heart space.
Almost like a test of where you are in your spiritual journey (not that there’s a destination), but rather, the quality of love and space you’ve created for your thoughts, your Self.
A test of faith in this infinite intelligence that goes beyond reason.
There is a softness required.
A surrender that asks for deep strength, something that no one will ever notice or see, that you’ve built throughout the years.
It is at that moment of finally letting go that everything begins to change.
A familiar feeling that you’ve done this before.
A signal to the Universe that you are ready to be taken to the depths of your heart, willing to let the flow of nature take the lead and see where it takes you.
An acceptance of the cascade of events which will slowly unfold in your life, knowing that this is exactly where you are meant to be.
It becomes a dance between you and Divinity.
Moving, flowing, swimming in the unknown, with only your dreams and visions to guide you.
Emerging with a renewed sense of faith, and a stronger relationship with the very Life Force that runs throughout the galaxies and within our bodies.
Embracing life’s uncertainties as you let go of your grip and recognize the orchestration of something bigger than you at work.
Allowing some parts of you to die, so that you can be the human you were destined to be in this lifetime.
What a ride. What a life.
I’ve said this before at the beginning of the year, and maybe this is why I’m deeply immersed in this experience right now - I am here for all of it.
I believe that we are being invited to swim through uncertainties in our lives not as punishment, but as part of our growth as human beings.
They arrive when we are ripe for it. Ripe enough to digest the wisdom in them, and absorb the nourishment needed for our soul.